Testimonials & Reviews
What Our Clients Are Saying
Emma Anderson
Posted on Google Reviews – 27th September 2023
An absolutely amazing service form Yvonne and her team. She consistently went far above and beyond what was expected and communicated every step of the way. She took action where needed and worked tirelessly even when things proved challenging. It is down to her that we have found the perfect home.

Janet Harthoorn
Posted on Google Reviews – 21st September 2023
We did business with Scarlett, a very good experience! She will go out of her way to arrange everything and make it clear to you! Very nice contact and she always keeps her appointments. Thank you Scarlett 👍🏻
Wij deden zaken met Scarlett van Everything Ibiza: een hele goeie ervaring! Ze loopt het vuur uit haar sloffen (hakken 😉) voor je om alles te regelen en duidelijk te maken! Heel fijn contact en ze komt altijd haar afspraken na. Bedankt Scarlett 👍🏻

Santiago, Cristina & Erik
Posted on Facebook Reviews – 6th April 2023
Today we want to thank Ivonne for everything she has done to make our dream come true, finally thanks to her and all her team everything Ibiza properties we have been able to buy our new house with great enthusiasm. it has been a long and hard road that Ivonne has been able to manage for us, giving us all the support, patience and encouragement that sometimes due to circumstances we could not have. thank you Ivonne for giving us back our smile, thank you for everything, thank you for so much. you are the best with an exceptional human treatment that does not go unnoticed. Santiago, Cristina and Erik
Hoy queremos agradecer a Ivonne todo y tanto que ha hecho para que nuestro sueño se haga realidad , por fin gracias a ella y todo su equipo everything Ibiza properties hemos podido comprar nuestra nueva casa con mucha ilusión . ha sido un largo y duro camino que Ivonne a sabido gestionar para nosotros , dándonos todo el apoyo , paciencia y animos que aveces por la circunstancia no conseguiamos tener . gracias Ivonne por devolvernos la sonrisa, gracias por todo , gracias por tanto . sois los mejores con un trato humano excepcional del que no se pasa desapercibido. Santiago , Cristina y Erik

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